Jon Law - Author & Entrepreneur
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How I Built Two Businesses to $10,000/Month by 17

Jon Law - Author & Entrepreneur

How I Built Two Businesses to $10,000/Month by 17

100,000+ readers   10+ languages    40+ countries

The Modern Guide to Stock Market Investing for Teens

100,000+ readers   10+ languages    40+ countries

The Modern Guide to Stock Market Investing for Teens

100,000+ readers   10+ languages

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The Modern Guide to Stock Market Investing for Teens

About Me

Hey! Jon here. I'm a writer & builder passionate about finance, business, and health. Check out my books & videos on this website and enter your email for free rewards! Also feel free to shoot me a question at

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  • What is the Differentiated Bertrand Model?
    on 4 May 2024

    Photo by Campaign Creators on UnsplashThe Differentiated Bertrand Model is a theoretical model used in economics that explores competition and pricing behavior among firms producing, as inferred, […]

  • What is UPP in economics?
    on 4 May 2024

    Photo by David Vives on UnsplashUPP, which stands for Upward Pricing Pressure, is a measure used in merger analysis to determine whether a given merger will result in higher prices for consumers.It […]

  • What is the HHI in economics?
    on 4 May 2024

    Photo by Kaleidico on UnsplashThe Herfindahl index, known as the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index or HHI, measures the size of firms in relation to the industry they operate in. Thus, it provides […]

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